Acupuncture is an effective, drug-free, pain-free therapy. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points to help to stimulate the central nervous system and regulate the flow of Qi-your body ‘s vital energy, which in turns, stimulates the body’s natural healing ability to promote physical and mental well-being.
Acupuncture and Physical pain -chronic and acute issues
How can Acupuncture help? As acupuncture addresses both the underlying causes of pain and the symptoms at the same time it can treat both chronic and acute types of pain. Both chronic and acute pain can be effectively treated by acupuncture. in 2009 International Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence advised that acupuncture was a more effective treatment for a chronic back pain than other therapies.
As low backpain is often seen as stagnation of Qi -(body vital energy) and blood in the local area. The treatment is then based on moving Qi and blood through the channels with acupuncture points to ensure Qi free flow is maintained. Once the job’s done, the pain will be relieved immediately.
Acupuncture has been used to relief the symptoms of these conditions:
Back pain / lower back pain
Stiff / frozen Shoulder
Knee pain
Tennis / Golf elbow pain
Headache / Migraine
Tooth pain
Abdominal pain
Weakness of the legs
Acute / chronic wrist / ankle sprain
Muscle Spasms
Mobility issues
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Acupuncture and Emotional Issues
Anxiety disorder are the most common of mental disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. They affect nearly 30% of adults at some point in their life. from their ability to concentrate to their ability to get ahead in life. They can be chronic. if left untreated, it will cause emotional symptoms such as worry, disturbed sleep, irritability and poor concentration as well as physical symptoms such as sweating, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth etc. Acupuncture have a positive effect on these problems. It can eases anxiety by regulating the nervous system, specifically by bringing the branches of the autonomic nervous system back into balance as well as restoring people’s internal body’s balance. Acupuncture can treat symptoms at roots level rather than masking the symptoms with medication , thus re-establishing balance and prevention of further progression of the condition.
Conditions are commonly seen in the clinic
Anxiety & Depression
Grief and Loss
Excessive worrying
Balance of emotions
Lack of confidence/concentration
Acupuncture and Women’s Health
Acupuncture has been used for preservation of women’s health in time honored. tradition for centuries Woman’s health generally encompasses genecology, fertility, pregnancy, post natal and menopause.
Menstrual symptoms
Acupuncture treatments benefit menstrual symptoms including
Irregular periods
heavy periods
painful periods
lack of periods
Menstrual cramp
passing clots
Why acupuncture affects fertility mechanism?
acupuncture can affect the function of ovulation in the brain center and reduce stress, which may cause woman to ovulate abnormally.
acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, provide more nutrients
acupuncture can improve the uterine wall
acupuncture can change the chemical changes with the implantation of a fertilized egg.
Fertility acupuncture is personalized according to individual’s specific needs and underlying fertility issues. To make a appointment and speak to Angelina, she will assist your overall health, medical history, and fertility concerns to create a tailored treatment plan to help you to achieve your goal and deliver a health baby.
is one of the most exciting times of your life, but for some may find quite a challenging time where little extra support is welcome. Acupuncture is a safe, effective and drug-free treatment for all stages of your pregnancy.
Conditions ailments during pregnancy
morning sickness
headache / migraine
back pain
carpal tunnel syndrome
breech baby (34-36 weeks)
Post natal
Acupuncture is a great way to treat and prevent post natal disharmonies .It can support the body in re-establishing hormonal balance potentially alleviating post natal symptoms such as mood swing, fatigue depression, back pain etc. In Chinese, medicine, it says how a woman treat her body in the first 30 days post-birth can offer her benefit for the rest of her life. T CM perspective-new mum’s body has been taxed and emptied through the birthing process and a new mum is more vulnerable to wind, cold and damp invasions. Post natal acupuncture treatment will focus on warming and tonifying and strengthen the new mother’s qi which will help her to rebuild and reset the body constitution.
Post natal acupuncture can offer benefits to new mums:
post birth -control syndrome
Anxiety /Depression
Insufficient milk
Urinary incontinence
is an important stage in a woman’s life, in the stage, the most obvious key is the gradual deterioration of ovarian function, the slow decrease in hormone secretion, and transition period from disorderly menopause to menopause. The transition period between menstruation to menopause is called menopause. During menopause, women often suffer from heart, blood vessel, metabatic and mental diseases and various discomfort symptoms due to the sudden decline in estrogen in body. Although menopause is not a disease, it does cause many women to be troubled. Tradition Chinese Medicine has a number of ways such as Acupuncture to improve menopausal symptoms including
sleep disorder
mood loss
hot flashes
heart palpitations
autonomic nervous system disorder
vaginal dryness
uterine prolapse
back pain
dry mouth
Acupuncture and Digestive problems
Poor appetite
Eating disorders
Diarrhoea / constipation
Limbs oedema
Abdominal distension and fullness
Acid reflux / indigestion
Bloating / Gas
Heaviness / Tiredness
Acupuncture and Sleeping disorders
Finding it hard to go sleep
Wake up several times during night
Lie awake at night
Wake up early and can’t go back to sleep
Light sleep