How can acupuncture help to relieve pain?
Acupuncture is an effective, drug-free, pain-free therapy. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points to help to stimulate the central nervous system and regulate the flow of Qi-your body ‘s vital energy, which in turns, stimulates the body’s natural healing ability to promote physical and mental well-being.
For example, backpain is often seen as stagnation of Qi -(body vital energy) and blood in the local area. The treatment is then based on moving Qi and blood through the channels with acupuncture points to ensure Qi free flow is maintained. Once the job’s done, the pain will be relieved immediately.
NEI GUAN—acupuncture point
Nei Guan is essential point for all disorders of chest and Heart including
Heart pain
stuffy chest
disorders of Heart rate and rhythm
Nausea and vomiting due to pregnancy
How to reduce these symptom at home? -Simply massage this point with your finger tip until you fell better. normally it take 2-3 minutes.
Using Paediatric Acupuncture to support
ASD and ADHD treatment
what is Paediatric acupuncture?
It is a safe, non-invasive and effective natural treatment. It has been practiced in China for thousands of years for supporting children’s developing growth. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate the flow of qi - vital energy and promote the healing ability of the body. The treatment itself is very different from treatment for adults. It is much quicker.
Why paediatric acupuncture can help?
As we know, for example, ADHD is a chronic condition. It begins and is mostly diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Two thirds of children diagnosed with ADHD still show symptoms as adults. Children with ADHD often have trouble functioning at home and in school and often struggle to make and keep friends. If left untreated, ADHD may interfere with school and work, as well as with social and emotional development.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, any symptoms and manifestations must represent any imbalance within the body, that is a body signal for help! For example, we notice hyperactive children usually need to move all the time, they can’t sit still and are easily distracted. They don’t follow through on instructions or finish things. Some even need one to one support. But when we think about why the child acts like that, you might say ‘because they have ADHD’, but from TCM prospects we understand that is because when the body’s vital energy - qi is stuck in the head, it forces the child to move as they can’t regulate it by themselves. Therefore, the treatment principle is to help to descend qi down and regulate qi movement. This will eventually reduce ADHD symptoms. Of course, the cause of qi being stuck in the head is different according to each individual child’s health conditions. It could be caused by Aetiology factors, for example inherited, body heat, stress pressure, poor diet, lack of exercise, too much screen etc, and for pathology factors including Heat, Phlegm, Blood deficiency etc. Once understanding each individual and the underlying causes, then the tailor made treatment plan will be made.
How does Paediatric acupuncture help ?
As a paediatric acupuncturist, I use a special needling technique and offer the smallest silicone coated needles for my young patients. Usually only about 3-4 points are chosen. I also understand that not every child will undergo acupuncture. There are several other alternative techniques that I may use – paediatric Tuina, Moxa - gentle warming therapy and Japanese massage – Shonishin, ear seeds.. for the treatment. They are painless and have a similar therapeutic effect to acupuncture.