Returning You to Health, Vitality and a Balanced Body
Angelina is a Twickenham- based acupuncturist with a wealth experience of treating babies to adults in a wide range of health issues. Angelina specializes in treating people with physical pain, women’s health and emotional health for under 16 and children with ADHD ,ASD conditions.
Physical pain -chronic & acute
Emotional Issues
Post partum
Sleeping Disorders
Digestive Disorder
Baby-toddlers care
Physical support for under 16
Mental Health support for under 16
Fire / Silicone Cupping
GuaSha Therapy
Tui Na Therapy
Get in touch…
If you have any questions - perhaps you’re wondering if acupuncture is the right treatment for you? Or you would like to know more about the treatments I provide, I would love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will respond to you as soon as possible, I look forward to hearing from you!